The role of
walking aids
walking aids can maintain balance; such as the elderly, non-central disorders of lower limb weakness, lower limb spasticity, poor forward extension, and unbalanced center of gravity movement, but it has little effect on balance disorders in elderly stroke and multiple cerebral infarction patients .
Walking aids can support body weight; after hemiplegia or paraplegia, when the patient's muscle strength is weakened or the weakness of the lower limbs cannot support the weight, or the patient cannot bear weight due to joint pain, the walking aid can play an alternative role.
walking aids can enhance muscle strength. Frequent use of canes and axillary sticks can enhance the muscle strength of the extensor muscles of the upper limbs due to the need to support the body.
Generally speaking, canes are suitable for hemiplegic patients or unilateral paraplegia, and forearm and axillary canes are suitable for paraplegic patients. Walkers have a larger supporting area and are more stable than axillary sticks, and are mostly used indoors.